# use the official Bun image # see all versions at https://hub.docker.com/r/oven/bun/tags FROM oven/bun:1 as base WORKDIR /usr/src/app # install dependencies into temp directory # this will cache them and speed up future builds FROM base AS install RUN mkdir -p /temp/dev COPY package.json bun.lockb /temp/dev/ RUN cd /temp/dev && bun install --frozen-lockfile # install with --production (exclude devDependencies) RUN mkdir -p /temp/prod COPY package.json bun.lockb /temp/prod/ RUN cd /temp/prod && bun install --frozen-lockfile --production # copy node_modules from temp directory # then copy all (non-ignored) project files into the image FROM base AS prerelease COPY --from=install /temp/dev/node_modules node_modules COPY . . # [optional] tests & build ENV NODE_ENV=production # RUN bun test RUN bun run build # copy production dependencies and source code into final image FROM base AS release COPY --from=install /temp/prod/node_modules node_modules COPY --from=prerelease /usr/src/app/index.ts . COPY --from=prerelease /usr/src/app/package.json . # run the app USER bun EXPOSE 3000/tcp ENTRYPOINT [ "bun", "run", "index.ts" ]